Making Cool and Creative Road Safety Art

Roadside Art


We know that teenagers take risks, that risky behavior is commonly the fun of activity but sometimes, risky behavior may be life-threatening, especially when it involves children on the road. The explanations for risky behavior amongst youngsters has been a topic of psychology study for several years, a number of the explanations are explored.


Especially for young men, passengers are central to risky driving:


  • Young male passengers rarely discourage their male peers from engaging in risky driving behaviors and infrequently actively encourage it.
  • As a driver, many young males say they drive in a very risky thanks to singing their own praises to young male passengers, whether or not the passengers haven’t asked them to.
  • Young male drivers are less likely to have interaction in risky actions with female passengers because they require to safeguard them, don’t feel the maximum amount have to impress them, female passengers are more willing to talk out and since they hear their girlfriends.


With this in mind, a variety of road safety campaigns are developed to figure on these pointers and interact with kids in a very road safety message that inspires action instead of being instructive.


From YOURS’ perspective, last year, the Embrace Life Campaign encouraged teens to indicate to us how they ’embrace life’ and thus conceive of road safety. This action of reflecting on what’s important in our lives and acknowledging our precious lives was a strong way of engaging teenagers in a very personalized effort for road safety. You’ll read more about this here. Last year, YOURS also released the Surreal Poster Series, a fresh and dynamic approach to road safety with ‘surreal’ imagery of a plan-provoking nature.


We have seen, through the meeting of teenagers engaged in road safety around the world and therefore the registration of engaging project to our MINE Section that road safety isn’t any longer boring. ‘Road safety will be sexy’, may be a phrase that has emerged within the last two European Youth Forums for Road Safety, and what can be a trend is certainly actively undertaking something youth and road, safety campaigners.


Take for example; Team Alert who, through their creative campaigns and videos became on of the most important road safety organizations reaching thousands of youth within the Netherlands. Their website is youth oriented and geared towards teens in a very lively and interesting manner. Or take Vaah! Theory Room works directly with youngsters in driving schools and roadside assistance companies to market road safety and markets themselves in an exceedingly stylish manner on Facebook to draw in young drivers in Santa Clara.


Many people will have seen advertisements on television promoting road safety and although a number of these may be rather unsavory in approach, many have are creative and transmit a robust message to their audience. With the employment of the net, shooting and sharing a video has created the concept of viral marketing with road safety videos ‘going viral’. A viral video is one that becomes popular through the method of Internet sharing, typically through video-sharing websites, social media, and email. Glassboy by Roni Kleiner is an incredibly example of visionary creation with high-level production and imagination to transmit a strong road safety message about speeding. More samples of powerful road safety videos are found within the right column!


We board the age of sharing information at a click of a button but often messages can go unseen within the commercial noise of the net. Therefore, creative campaigns should be thought-out and strategically with a transparent strategy plan.



ALSO READ: Should You Watermark Your Digital Artwork?



Here is the top 10 tips for creative campaigning are listed below:


  1. KNOW YOUR STUFF – confirm you research your road safety topic area thoroughly. Every argument must be supported by robust evidence if it’s to be convincing.
  2. BUILD A TEAM – a good campaigner is someone who can take people with them on their journey. Build a team of individuals who have the correct mixture of skills you’ll must achieve your goal.
  3. MAKE a concept – A campaigner must always know, and be able to articulate, precisely what they need their outcomes to be.
  4. SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER- you’ll need a campaign target. Who directly has the ability to create the change you’re campaigning for?
  5. MAP YOUR ISSUE – it’s helpful to map the forces which will influence your campaign target e.g. who and what is going to be supportive or proof against your objectives?
  6. BUILD ALLIANCES – take a look at whether other organizations are pursuing similar objectives. Making alliances may be an efficient thanks to strengthening your message and broadening your reach.
  7. USE THE CORRECT TACTICS FOR YOU – consider carefully whether your proposed tactics will facilitate your achieve your objectives. Tactics that worked for one campaign won’t be right for you – there’s nobody recipe for achievement.
  8. TIMING IS EVERYTHING – Timing your tactics to coincide with activities going down by either supportive or opposing forces can increase your impact or exposure. Always remember the environment within which you’re operating.
  9. SWOT – Analyse your Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats to assist strengthen your objectives and mitigate potential problems.
  10. EVALUATION – Setting clear targets at the start of your campaign will allow you to observe your progress and assess whether you’re making not just a control but the correct impact.

