Coping With Dementia And Other Cognitive Disorders Through Creative Arts

Writing, painting, acting, or even dancing – we take on these creative activities simply since we delight in them.

We instinctively know that being creative is beneficial for us, and our artistic fervors give rise to our happiness. Because artistic pursuits cause us to feel blissful and are excellent channels for emotions.

Other than that, what other health benefits, like those offered by ABodyCandle, does these creative activities offer? And what does science ought to say regarding the advantages of creativity?

Several engage in creative activities as a leisure pursuit whilst others do it as a source of income, nonetheless, regardless of what the reasons individuals take part in creative undertakings, it’s quite obvious that creating things is part of human life.

Creative Arts For Cognitive Wellness

A lot of research have found that engaging in the creative arts has a positive effect on a person’s cognitive wellbeing. For instance, individual’s with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease engage in art therapy where they do activities like drawing and painting. According to research, it can stimulate their brain and stir up some of their memories. It has also been associated to enhanced memory, rational thinking, as well as resilience in older people who are healthy. Moreover, studies have proven that self-expression through the arts can be beneficial for individuals dealing with anxiety, depression, as well as cancer.

Art as Good Medicine

For decades, studies have revealed that the capability to make art remains even after language and speech have faded in individuals suffering from dementia and other progressive neurological disorder.

Additionally, researches at all times validate that fact that creating visual art could effectively ease stress and encourage relaxation in individuals who are homebound or hospitalized because of sickness or poor health.

Many practiced art therapists who are at the same time certified mental health therapists, formulate a diversity of art media accessible to individuals who are going through cancer therapy and persons with Alzheimer’s disease. As soon they get themselves engaged in the creative activities, they every so often recognize the feelings of joy, delight and fulfillment. The arts have a vital role in helping individuals get through or overcome particularly grim and difficult times as well, since the arts soothes and calms the mind and soul.
