Painting therapy is a creative process in which one’s own experiences can be extended by spontaneously dealing with colors and forms. Internal resources are discovered, which can create new solutions for one’s own life. The most important thing here is that feelings are expressed without words, non-verbally, through self-created images or works.

Especially when the patient is overwhelmed by his feelings and thoughts, the painting therapy is very helpful to let him find peace and concentration.

With the help of painting therapy and the use of practical means such as toning, drawing, etc. it is possible to learn to perceive one’s own world better. Experiences, fantasies or states are transformed into an external – obvious – reality during creative action. This visible reality is usually easier for people to understand and understand.

Even hidden contents of the subconscious can be revealed by therapeutic painting. Sometimes people are put under a heavy burden by experiences they can’t or don’t want to remember. Just repressed events deprive them of energy and power, but can penetrate back into consciousness when painting and experience healing in the further course.


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Who does painting therapy help?

  • Children with physical, mental and mental impairment
  • People with physical disabilities who lack the physical ability to speak
  • People with intellectual disabilities who cannot express themselves
  • Traumatized, severely depressed people who no longer want to speak due to a negative emotional experience
  • Adults and children in psychological crises or stressful situations
  • People who have lost a family member
  • Victims
  • Seriously ill people
  • People who want to do something for their personal development, self-perception, relaxation, resource activation, stress management
  • Painting therapy can help them find out from a labyrinth of fear and despair. Life regains meaning and illness or stroke of fate can be better processed.

Effect of painting therapy

The starting point for therapeutic events is the activity, not the product. This is an important principle of painting therapy. The idea that the patient will recover after the therapist analyzes and interprets his image is wrong. Emotions and feelings can be read from the picture, but the actual healing process takes place during the activity.

While working on the image, the patient is able to perceive connections between himself and his environment and thereby recognize his own reality. After this important step to perception has been taken, the problem can be found and a solution can be developed together with the therapist.

Group sessions are often very helpful here, because in the confrontation with the problems of the others unknown emotional and social experiences are made.

From an early age, people are taught to express themselves through language. In painting therapy, other paths are opened up to human beings, which may have been closed to him until now.

Applying concentration and perseverance is not a matter of course for everyone. Painting therapy is therefore used in children with ADHD to promote concentration and desire to continue a thing to the end.

Painting therapy is excellent as a supplement to other therapeutic methods and can be used in almost all clients and patients. In healthy people, it promotes personality maturation and creativity.
