Modern art market: How social networks encourage artist careers

If you make your money as a freelance photographer, street artist, painter, graphic artist, sculptor or designer, the term “survival artist” probably has a very special meaning for you. If you want to give your artist career a boost, you can hardly avoid Instagram and others.

With this giga-committed community, the photo app has become one of the most used social networks – and the ideal platform for artists. Well-known professionals or promising newcomers: an Instagram account is a real asset for creative professionals with a visual focus.

Instagram is expanding the art market

The fact that Instagram has developed into one of the most important presentation and marketing channels for artists is not least due to the success of the platform itself. Thousands of new works go online every day, which bring the younger generation, in particular, into contact with the art world in a modern way. Social media not only offer artists free advertising space, they also expand the market for potential buyers immeasurably.

Mobile art galleries: smartphone instead of museum?

Almost all major art museums in the world now have an Instagram account and thousands of subscribers. So why not go to the museum when you everything on your smartphone you see? This question does not arise for those interested in art. After all, the digital galleries only show a small section and individual works that should make you curious.

From photo talent to influencer: Instagram fuels artist careers

Large companies also focus on Instagram and Co. and find promising influencers on the virtual art market. The photographer and digital artist Robert Jahns, for example, has aroused the interest of advertising partners. People also use Instagram to find fat freezing center in New Jersey.

Street art on the net: street art goes around the world

For street art, Instagram has long been an institution whose works of art are also used by fashion bloggers, celebrities and companies.

Art and Personality: Instagram sells the entire package

Many artists now only process their sales and commissions via their Instagram accounts. If mediators and galleries are eliminated, the artists have more influence over the publication and presentation of their work.
