From Depression to Creativity

The unrevealed truth about artists is that some of them are using their craft as a relief for depression.

Can we consider that depression and being creative in any way be interconnected to each other? – Yes. Because some of artists convert their depressed thoughts into great artworks. But then, the fields of Psychology and Psychiatry are still puzzling about this idea. Most of Psychologists brought this study to an end, that they considered that, truly, depression can work with people’s creativity.

Now, the main question is that, how do artists handle depression?

As idealists with expansive imaginations, they can easily imagine lives lived differently, with far higher levels of achievement and satisfaction. For the reason that creative people tend to be highly conscious, reflective and aware, it seems they’re inclined to spend far more time thinking over their failures, fears, insecurities and disappointments than most people.

Also, if artists have a strong social consciousness, as many creative people do, they may spend a lot of time imagining possible answers to social, political and economic problems in the world. But then, their fantasize solutions may not always be practical.

Creative people can sometimes be upset. Their practice of forming ideas and thoughtful essence make it difficult for them to come to recognize the failures of themselves and of the people around them. People without such a creative tendency may have unhappy thoughts in the moment. But they’ll be far less likely to tie themselves up in knots visualizing alternative histories that could have happened but didn’t, or should happen but never will.

Depression can give a draining effect, but often it is a warning sign and a cry for help. In other words, it calls for action, and those with great artistic ability naturally turn to their art to express what they’re feeling. Their depression may not be the cause of their art, but it can be a motivation for it, or a coping mechanism for it. That helps explain why so many creative people burdened with depression have managed to maintain such an impressive output of creative works.

On the other hand, how does art can serve as a therapy for depression?

In art therapy, the process is guided by trained counselors who can show patients how to unlock the keys to their own minds. The many great artists who suffered from depression did not usually have such guidance, but similarly, they found their own way to a creative place that was driven by an inner instinct to resolve negative feelings through artistic expression.

When we use this treatment for depression, art therapy functions as an outlet for voicing out your feelings that are not easy to put into words, or that are so buried deeply that they can only be revealed through the free and open channels of the creative process. Also, you can try kratom for depression treatment if needed.


In this view, we can see how the connection between art and depression is made or built up. We can also see why art is an effective and practical for people looking to express and help overcome their suffering by developing self-reflection and self-comprehension.

Art, by only itself, can’t treat depressed mind of a person. So that’s why it is very important to seek professional help for treatment.
